Current and Future Dads
Stud Services
Many of our males are available for stud service to outside breeders. Please contact us to inquire about pricing and health testing. Semen can be shipped, or we are equipped to perform AI on site, as well as willing to travel to your veterinarian of choice for TCI.
Please contact Amylia at (801)762-7607 for more info or to book one of our studs!
Milo is a toy Multigenerational Goldendoodle. He is the most friendly, loving boy! He is medium energy and has excellent recall.
Milo has two straight coat genes, meaning he will create straight/wavy puppies with any female! He carries for Irish spotting rather than Parti, and will pass on white markings to many of his offspring.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, 8/10 intense red, SS, and will mature to about 12 lbs.
Clear of all genetic diseases and IVDD/CDDY CLEAR!
Now AVAILABLE for stud service. Proven.
Champ is a multigenerational toy Goldendoodle.
Champ is quiet and calm, a trait that we are striving to continue in our lines. He will make the most stunning wavy Goldendoodle babies.
Champ weighs 9 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, and SS (Irish Spotting, white chin and chest).
Clear of all genetic diseases, CDPA clear and IVDD carrier.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Leo is Micro Toy F1b Goldendoodle.
Leo is a mellow little snuggle bug who is not afraid to play hard and cuddle harder!
He will pass on his incredible markings to a large number of his puppies, just like his daddy Winston!
He will mature to about 10 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/+ for coat texture, and Ssp. 9/10 red intensity. KYKY ATAT with the possibility of producing phantom pups with the right female!
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Enzo is Micro Toy Multigen Goldendoodle.
Enzo is the calmest boy ever, so loving and sweet with both dogs and humans.
He will pass on his incredible markings to just about all of his puppies!
He weighs 9.5 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, SS Irish spotting. 10/10 red intensity.
Not currently planned for outside stud services.
Chip is a multigenerational large Toy Goldendoodle.
Chip is another amazing addition to our line of PERFECTION!
He will mature to 15-20 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, and Ssp. 8/10 intense red coat.
Clear of all genetic diseases, CDPA and CDDY clear.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Charlie is the most spectacular tuxedo poodle we've ever seen!
His long white socks and huge splashes of white are rare and unique.
He will pass on his incredible markings and deepening red color with consistency to many of his puppies!
He will mature to about 10 lbs.
He is FF furnished, +/+ for coat texture, Ssp. 8/10 red intensity. He is Rufus/darkening red!
Not currently planned for outside stud services.
Dax is a Multigenerational Toy Goldendoodle.
He is sweet and loves attention! He'll follow any human anywhere. He's extremely eager to please, and medium energy.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, and SS. 10/10 red intensity (Rufus)
Clear of all genetic diseases.
Dax currently weighs 14 lbs.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Winston is our original Toy Poodle stud. His little 10 pound frame is perfect for making our Doodles "Miniature". He has lovely light red/apricot fur, and white markings on his face, chest, and paws that are the result of the Parti gene, which he will pass on to many of his offspring. You can see how he has a nice round face, and the perfect teddy bear nose. His pups will inherit these traits from him, he is the ideal "Doodle dad".
Winston currently works as an emotional support dog in one of our Guardian homes, and has the best, most gentle nature. He is very calm and cuddly, but also attentive and playful. He is the best kind of small dog!
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Winston is FF furnished, and +/+ for coat texture. 1 copy of Parti, clear for all genetic diseases.
Franklin is a toy poodle weighing 6 lbs. He is a dark red with adorable abstract markings. He is very rare for a poodle in that he carries 1 straight gene, which makes the cutest wavy puppies. He carries the Parti gene, which means that he will pass on his beautiful white markings to his puppies, and those markings will come in all kinds of fun shapes, sizes, and locations.
Franklin is truly the calmest puppy we've ever adopted into our family. He has been trained as an emotional support dog for a member of our family, and fulfills his role so well, I don't know what we ever did without him! Most of his puppies will inherit his gentle and calm nature, and we get rave reviews for their gentle and mellow temperaments.
He is the best boy!
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Franklin is FF furnished, and -/+ for coat texture. 8/10 intermediate red Ssp.
Fitz is a mini Multigenerational Goldendoodle.
He is a spunky young man, who would rather chase a ball than do just about anything else! He has a wonderful guardian home and has human brothers and sisters who keep him excersized.
Fitz is just the most stunning example of a beautiful red and crisp white Parti pattern. His fur is also ideal, mostly straight with just a small amount of wave to it. He does pass his gorgeous fur texture and color onto his future offspring.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
He is FF furnished, +/- for coat texture, 7/10 intermediate red, and weighs 23 lbs.
2 copies of Parti, clear of genetic diseases.
Lucy at 9 weeks old
Mac is a toy Multigenerational Goldendoodle. Full brother to Milo, he is a mellow little sweetheart who is content to lay around and snuggle all day.
He has the most amazing wavy coat, and one copy of Parti, and will pass on white markings to many of his offspring.
He is FF furnished, -/+ for coat texture, 8/10 intermediate red, Ssp, and will mature to about 9 lbs.
Clear of all genetic diseases.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service. First pregnancy confirmed.
Ace is a stunning Phantom Parti Moyen Poodle. He absolutely loves life and loves people! He is brilliant and lives up to the reputation of his breed, and is everything a poodle should be in structure and temperament.
Ace is a tuxedo parti, meaning that the his black coat covers most of his back and head and creeps down his legs. He will throw black phantom parti genes every single time!
Expected to mature at 25 lbs.
EE, BB, FF furnished, kyky, atat, spsp, +/+.
Clear of all genetic diseases, CDPA clear.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service. Reduced fee until proven.
Copper is a large toy/small mini Multigenerational Goldendoodle. He is playful yet calm, and very social.
He has the most amazing deep intense red wavy coat, and will pass the texture on to every single one of his puppies!
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, SS, and 9/10 intense red. He weighs 19 lbs.
Clear of all genetic diseases.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Nash is our newest spectacular toy poodle stud. He is a red and white parti with intense red markings. He has the coolest tuxedo pattern on his body and we are hoping he gives his puppies some amazing markings as well. Nash is a goof ball, he is always showing off for the humans and dogs around him. He is so enthusiastic about life and loves everyone. He is very intelligent and obedient as well, his guardian family has him so well trained and they will tell you how quickly he learned his manners!
He weights 13 lbs.
He is FF furnished, +/+ for coat texture, spsp, and CDPA clear.
Clear of all genetic diseases.
Not currently available for outside stud service.
Buddy is a multigenerational mini Goldendoodle.
As soon as he was born, we knew he needed to be part of our breeding program. He is the most mellow puppy in the entire world, so sweet and calm and lovable.
He weighs 19 lbs.
He is FF furnished, +/- for coat texture, spsp.
Clear of all genetic diseases, CDPA and IVDD clear.
Now AVAILABLE for stud service.
Poe is a Toy Multigen Goldendoodle.
He is so happy to be alive! Such a little lover of both humans and other dogs.
He will mature to about 15 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, SS and 10/10 red intensity. Clear of all genetic diseases, IVDD/CDDY clear.
Now Available for stud service!
Please contact Jenn Harbertson for information and booking for Poe. (360)-798-6653
Knox is Mini Multigen Goldendoodle.
He is super loving and gentle, and extremely human focused.
He will pass on his incredible markings to just about all of his puppies!
He weighs 20 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, Ssp AND Irish spotting carrier.
Clear of all genetic diseases, IVDD/CDDY clear.
AVAILABLE for a limited number of breedings!
Please contact Jenn Harbertson for information and booking for Knox. (360)-798-6653
Tyson is a Toy Multigen Goldendoodle.
He has a fun loving and friendly personality, and is amazing with kids.
He weighs 15 lbs.
He is FF furnished, -/- for coat texture, spsp, bb brown carrier.
AVAILABLE for stud service starting January 2025.
Please contact Jenn Harbertson for information and booking for Tyson. (360)-798-6653